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Esports: Where every student can fit in

Level up your extracurriculars with esports. We’ll equip your school with the technology, services and support you need to launch a successful esports program — all within budget.

Esports embraces students’ passion for competitive gaming to foster collaboration, creativity and inclusion. Participants build strengths in problem solving, teamwork and communication, as well as STEAM skills. And, they get to explore video and sound editing, graphic design, broadcasting, event planning and more.

Insight Public Sector offers support and guidance on a wide range of esports solutions so your school can start a program today and grow it in the future. We’re committed to the continued success of esports in education.

Benefits of esports

Esports are a pivotal new way to develop important life skills in young people, build strong relationships, spark interest in learning and keep students engaged.

Social benefits

Building & maintaining friendships
Communication & collaboration
Increased self esteem

Academic benefits

Strategy, critical thinking & decision-making
Higher graduation & attendance rates
Interest in STEM

Esports in K–12

Esports clubs offer an exciting take on extracurriculars, often involving students who aren’t otherwise engaged in afterschool activities. Plus, high-performing players have the chance to win scholarships — encouraging them to pursue higher education.

Esports in higher education

Every college has a gaming community. An on-campus esports lab attracts prospective students and helps retain current ones — all while providing gamers the opportunity to apply skills learned in the classroom to real-life scenarios.

Get guidance from an experienced team.

There are many variables to consider when launching your school esports program. Insight Public Sector offers turnkey services that encompass planning, network design, devices, software, installation and long-term management.

Other Article:

The Pros And Cons Of E-sports